The latest University of Cape Town report reveals 3 out of 4 children go hungry every day because 30% of our population live in poverty with food insecurity.
At school - these hungry children are unable to concentrate. Whilst hunger gnaws at them, they can't think about anything else. Or else they simply don't attend school at all.
The deficits of under-nutrition in children becomes irreversible if not addressed. Additional to the disastrous effect of hunger on education and a child’s future, another far-reaching outcome is a generation with poor immune systems, frequent illness, and a link to life-threatening diseases in adult life. Today’s unmet need will have serious consequences for tomorrow, without intervention.
To develop into his or her full potential, every child needs regular balanced nutrition across all food groups – protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Our breakfasts and lunches are designed and prepared accordingly. Daily school meals provide an incentive to attend school, and help children to focus on their studies. As an individual, a family, a group, a club, or a company, you can help to provide this essential nutrition, thereby growing an educated, healthy, and winning generation.
We serve schools situated in the Western Cape that do not qualify for the Government’s National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP) subsidy, but where the need exists. PSFA also provides food at Early Childhood Development Centres (ECDC’s), Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) safe Parks and at TVET colleges.
PSFA currently feeds 25 967 hungry learners at a total of 170 educational institutions in the Western Cape. The breakdown is as follows:
We continue to receive many applications from educational institutions to be included on our feeding programme. This can only be done with funding provided by donors.
Our feeding programme is not open to the whole school. Those children who qualify are identified for us by the principal and teachers at each school. Indicators are: