The Carmen Stevens Foundation donates over R2.5 million to feed 5 700 school children affected by poverty
Posted on June 7th, 2018 by Charles Grey
Our donor and friend, Carmen Stevens who is an award-winning local winemaker and CEO of the Carmen Stevens Foundation, once again made an appeal for funding to her network of clients (Angels) in the UK via the online wine retailer, Naked Wines, to enable PSFA to continue feeding hungry school children for another calendar year.
The response to Carmen’s appeal this year was a resounding success. Thanks to the generosity of the Angels, the campaign managed to raise a phenomenal amount of R2 539 465.00. One hundred percent of this donation that was awarded to PSFA, is being allocated to the following projects:
- 1 862 learners attending 14 high schools are receiving a daily breakfast and lunch while at school for one calendar year. A portion of the funding has also been allocated to providing an additional 140 matriculants at Scottsdene High in Kraaifontein with daily after-school meals while writing their exams until the end of this year.
2090 learners attending seven primary schools are receiving a daily breakfast and lunch while at school for one calendar year.
108 children attending four early childhood development centres (ECDC’s) are receiving a daily breakfast and lunch for one calendar year.
1000 learners at Dr van der Ross Primary and 500 learners at Matroosbergweg Primary are receiving daily after-school meals for a calendar year.
Thanks to the generous financial support of the Carmen Stevens Foundation and the Angels for the past two calendar years (2016/17 and 2017/18), PSFA was able to serve an outstanding total of 1, 682 104 meals to 6 541 school children affected by poverty and poor social circumstances.
“Carmen came to PSFA asking us to support her in giving back to a community in which she had been raised. In return, she has for a period of over two years reached out to not only the community of Belhar but many others through the adoption of PSFA schools. As we as PSFA have come to know Carmen, she has shown goodness in character through moral courage, integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity and selfless giving. We are honoured to have been the Carmen Stevens Foundation collaboration partner of choice for the past two years” says Petrina Pakoe, PSFA director.
On behalf of the 5 700 children to benefit with daily nutritious meals during 2018/19, PSFA’s general committee, management and staff, hereby wish to take this opportunity to thank the Carmen Stevens Foundation, Naked Wines and all the “Angels” for their loyal support – we are all truly grateful!
[caption id="attachment_7271" align="alignleft" width="800"]
Carmen with two of the learners on our feeding programme at Petunia Primary[/caption]