The Robben Foundation adopts St Paul's Primary
Posted on February 13th, 2019 by Charles Grey
Today, we had the pleasure of taking Renee and Bob from The Robben Foundation, to experience our feeding programme in action at St. Paul’s Primary School in Cape Town.
The Robben Foundation have adopted St Paul’s Primary by providing PSFA with a grant in the amount of R135 000 to provide the 300 learners affected by poverty at this school, with daily nutritious breakfasts and lunches while at school for an entire calendar year.
Renee who is South African and Bob who is American, reside in the Netherlands.
We are truly grateful for the Robben Foundation’s financial support!
[caption id="attachment_7406" align="alignleft" width="786"]
Bob and Renee from The Robben Foundation serving meals to the learners at St Paul’s Primary.[/caption]