PSFA presents a new kitchen to Spurwing Primary
Posted on August 12th, 2021 by Charles Grey
Thanks to a generous personal donation made by Cape Town businessman David Delbridge, the Peninsula School Feeding Association (PSFA) was able to hand over its 126th brand new kitchen to a school on the Association’s feeding programme.
The school to receive this kitchen was Spurwing Primary School in Eerste River. Spurwing Primary joined PSFA’s feeding programme in April 2000. PSFA provides 506 learners affected by poverty attending this school with daily cooked breakfasts and lunches. The learners come from Eerste River, Blue Downs, Electric City, Mfuleni and Khayelitsha.
On Thursday 12 August 2021, representatives from PSFA, Spurwing Primary, the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) and PSFA’s infrastructure partner, Breadline Africa attended a special ceremony where PSFA’s director, Petrina Pakoe officially handed over the keys to the kitchen to Quinton Abrahams, principal of Spurwing Primary. They were joined by Andile Magodla, WCED circuit manager for Circuit 5. The guests and, to the delight of the learners attending the ceremony, were treated to a host of fun acts presented by performers from the Zip Zap Circus.
After all the formalities, the special guests were invited to a luncheon and while enjoying their meal, were treated to song and dance performances by the learners from Spurwing Primary, and more great entertainment provided by the performers from the Zip Zap Circus.
Quinton Abrahams, principal at Spurwing Primary said “on behalf of our school governing body, staff, learners and community, I want to thank Mr David Delbridge, PSFA and Breadline Africa for our new fully fitted kitchen. The challenge that we currently face is that we have very limited kitchen resources and space to serve daily meals to 100’s of learners. This new kitchen will without a doubt, alleviate these challenges and will improve the working conditions and environment for our food preparers.”
The state-of-the-art 20m² prefabricated kitchen is wind and airtight and is fitted with a double sink, stainless steel worktop, extractor fan, cupboards for storage, security gate and windows with burglar proofing which doubles as a serving hatch. Hot water and gas were connected, and the required firefighting equipment was installed in case of fire.
“PSFA is extremely delighted to be able to present Spurwing Primary with this much-needed kitchen facility. Feeding schoolchildren is PSFA’s core service but we occasionally receive special requests and funding from our donors to be allocated to the construction and supply of new kitchens to the schools on our feeding programme – for this, we are sincerely grateful” says Petrina Pakoe, director of PSFA.

Quinton Abrahams, principal at Spurwing Primary addressing the special guests.

Performers from the Zip Zap Circus entertaining the guests.

Learners and dancers from Spurwing Primary in their cultural attire.

Petrina Pakoe, director of PSFA, showing off the new kitchen’s expandable tap and double basin to PSFA’s volunteer food preparers, from left to right, Mymoena Matthews, Doreen Titus, Angeline Hans and Mercia Steenkamp.
#education #community #volunteering #school #youcanteachahungrychild #feedingscheme #partnershipsmatter