People's Post staff visit Kannemeyer Primary
Posted on August 1st, 2017 by Charles Grey
#Blisters4Bread, we took the staff from the People’s Post today to experience our feeding programme in action at Kannemeyer Primary School,Grassy Park. The staff had the opportunity to serve meals and to interact with the learners.
PSFA provides over 152 underprivileged learners at this school with a daily nutritious breakfast and lunch while at school.
PSFA thanks the People’s Post for being the official print media partner of Blisters for Bread in association with Lucky Star. Enter now at
[caption id="attachment_7113" align="alignleft" width="800"] The staff from People’s pose for a picture with the principal, food preparers and learners on our feeding programme at Kannemeyer Primary School.[/caption]]]>