Peninsula School Feeding Association

News & Events

Mandela Day – PSFA staff treat the kids at Heaven's Nest to great food, gifts and fun!

Posted on July 21st, 2015 by Charles Grey

The children thoroughly enjoyed their meals and the time spent with us. We applaud the staff at Heaven’s Nest for their outstanding dedication and commitment to these special children.

Heaven’s Nest provides emergency care for children in Cape Town who have been neglected, abused or abandoned, including those who are HIV positive. They stay at the home for as long as it takes for them to be re-integrated with their families, or find foster or adoptive parents.

Contact Information

Phone: +27 (21) 447 6020
Physical Address: 26 Purdey Road, Sheffield Business Park, Philippi, 7750
Postal Address: PO Box 154, Observatory 7935

Banking Details

Account Name: Peninsula School Feeding Association
Bank: Standard Bank of South Africa Limited
Account Number: 070894159
Account Type: Cheque Account
Branch Code: 020909
Branch Name: Thibault Square
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ
Physical address: First Floor, Thibault Square Branch, Corner of Hans Strijdom Street and Long Street, Cape Town, 8001