M-KEM donates new shoes and socks to underprivileged learners
Posted on July 22nd, 2016 by Charles Grey
M-Kem 24/7 Medicine City based in Bellville, presented all the learners at St Michael’s Primary in Khayelitsha (a school on our feeding programme) with a brand new pair of school shoes and socks.
Mr Mallach, the founder of M-KEM also presented our fundraising manager, Charles Grey with a donation of R10 500. This amount will enable PSFA to provide over 26 hungry children with a healthy cooked breakfast and lunch for an entire year!
Here is the thank you note from the principal of St Michael’s Primary to M-KEM
The School Management, Board, Staff, Parents and Learners of St. Michael’s Primary School are overwhelmingly grateful for the precious gifts of shoes and socks you donated this morning. We know it is from a good heart for the school and community of Khayelitsha.You added value to us and the children.The Bible says in Proverbs 11: 24 “Sometimes you can be rich by being generous or poor by being greedy”. Guys you are a blessing to the school. May God richly bless you in days and years to come.
Mr Sakhele Ngceza (Principal)
[caption id="attachment_6913" align="alignleft" width="875"] Leigh Hershaw, a director at M-KEM with one of the happy learners at St Michael’s Primary[/caption]]]>